Using YouTube for BSG Strategy

I just spent the last several hours examining all of the Business Strategy Game related video advice that has been posted on YouTube over the last year or two.   Wow!  The quality and reliability of everything posted that I found is absolutely terrible.  I didn’t find a single good video with reliable info out there.   The biggest problem are those students who think that they know how to play the game well merely because they seem to be doing well in the game.

Relying on those students is like trusting kindergarten age students’ advice about how to play professional baseball, football, basketball or other sophisticated sporting games.   Just because someone is doing well when playing the game for the first time against other equally novice competitors doesn’t mean they really know anything useful about how to play the game against good competitors.   Besides winning all the games I’ve played for myself in my business classes and in the Invitational Competition, I’ve observed thousands of games and I’ve coached hundreds of teams to win first place.   I don’t mention this to brag but merely to point out how dangerous it can be to your own success if you trust individuals for advice without carefully evaluating their level of experience and skill.   It takes very little effort to produce these terrible videos.  It’s disappointing and shameful to see such amazingly bad info being given out.